Our Party

Want to know what the DPLC is all about? Below you’ll find Party officers, committee chairs, and documents like meeting minutes, resolutions, the DPLC platform, and our bylaws.

In addition to our political campaign operations and community outreach, we conduct official business on the third Thursday of every month (except August) at our Central Committee Meeting. Meetings are currently being held virtually due to the pandemic. If you’d like to attend a meeting, please contact pr@dplc.org for login information.

DPLC Leaders

Find DPLC officers, committee heads, and House District chairs - and how to contact them - here.


Read the DPLC platform, which is revised every two years, to learn about our values, mission statement, and priorities.


See the resolutions we’ve passed to find the Party’s stance on pressing political issues.

Meeting Materials and Minutes

Find the agenda and materials for upcoming meetings, or look through minutes from past meetings.


Look through our Party By-Laws to brush up on rules and Party structure


Find out how you can be part of the DPLC, whether you want to help at events, register voters, or get out the vote for a candidate.