The DPLC Central Committee meets on the third Thursday of every month at the Eugene Garden Club. This month, our presentation will be from Doug Carnine, the coordinator of the Spreading Kindness Campaign. which will host the Choose Kindness Celebration on November 3 to explore how kindness can make a difference in all aspects of our lives. From the campaign's website:
We are trying to create a culture of kindness by giving greater visibility to the many acts of kindness that are already taking place in Eugene-Springfield, encouraging more acts of kindness (especially people volunteering for non-profits for the first time), engaging in more conversations about kindness, listening to what kindness means to all segments of our communities, recording a million acts of kindness, and celebrating our kindness accomplishments in November 2019.
At a time when kindness and compassion is especially needed in America, we're excited to hear about the campaign's efforts to make Eugene and Springfield "Cities of Kindness."