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Feminist Art Histories for a New Age with Emily Dara Shinn

Join NOW-SWV (National Organization for Women - South Willamette Valley Chapter) this presentation, which will give background on the Feminist Art Coalition, an organization conceived to promote cultural awareness, social justice, and institutional change through feminist perspectives and theory as a lens to interrogate art history, contemporary art, and curatorial practice through the 2020 election season and beyond. Emily Dara Shinn will provide information on the FAC’s mission, beginnings, and contributing institutions and individuals. The talk will conclude with a selected tour of participating exhibitions and digital events around the country.

Emily is a curatorial assistant of European and American art at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art.

Find out more on Facebook. Zoom information is below.

Meeting ID: 885 3801 2594
Passcode: 730084

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Meeting ID: 885 3801 2594
Passcode: 730084