The Sierra Club Many Rivers Group’s annual Sierra Club Many Rivers Groupis March 4! Every plant is selected to either support native vegetation or help our pollinator species. Plants are available for $3 a piece or 4 for $10. This year the following plants are available:
Red Twig Dogwood
Pacific Silverweed
Beach Strawberry
American Water Plantain
Large Leaf Avens
Tufted Hairgrass
Path Rush
Redwood Sorrel
Water Parsley
Henderson's Mallow
Golden Blue-Eyed Grass
Plants will be available between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. March 4th at the Historic Mims House. You can pre-order your plants here. Pre-order pickups are available any time during the event, bagged and ready to go so you don't have to wait in line. The organization does not have a way of processing online payments at this time, so please bring cash or a check to the event. Checks can be made out to "Sierra Club Many Rivers Group.”