DPLC Platform Convention

Saturday, July 9, 2022
11:00 a.m.
First United Methodist Church
1376 Olive St., Eugene

The DPLC will have our Platform Convention on July 9 at the First United Methodist Church in Eugene, starting at 11:00 a.m. Vaccinated registered Democrats in Lane County are eligible to attend. We ask that you register here so that we can plan food and logistics. Credentialing will begin at 10:30 a.m.

The convention will develop the platform to recommend to the Central Committee. You can see our current platform here. The first two pages are the “planks” of the platform – general ideas that describe our values. Starting on page 3 are action items – more specific things that we want our elected officials, other public entities or officials, or activists to do. Below is an example from our current platform:

Support the rights of women and girls across the world, including the right to be free from sexual assault, and access to all reproductive services. Repeal the Hyde Amendment.

 If there are items not in our current platform that you wish to include, please send to platform@dplc.org. You can also send suggested modifications or deletions. Items can be suggested at the convention, but earlier is better. Items relating to local issues that can be supported by most Democrats are especially encouraged, since we can have most effect on such issues.

Please feel free to invite others who may be involved with organizations whose values align with our party, or other interested friends and neighbors who are registered Lane County Democrats.

 Contact platform@dplc.org if you have questions.