The DPLC Central Committee meets on the third Thursday of every month. This month, we’re trying out a new format: The presentation will start at 6 p.m. (not 6:30), and the business meeting will follow at 7 p.m.
Susan Cundiff, a member of the Planet vs. Pentagon working group, which includes Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC), WAND, 350 Eugene, and Vets for Peace, will speak on how reducing the Pentagon's budget can help us tackle climate change:
The Pentagon is the largest institutional emitter of greenhouse gases in the world. It also gobbles up more than half of our discretionary federal budget, consuming billions of dollars that could address the climate crisis.
The U.S. now spends over $700 billion a year on the Pentagon. In 2016, just $21 billion was spent to combat climate change. We should be spending at least $55 billion a year to seriously tackle a clean energy transition. It would take less than five percent of the Pentagon's budget - which could be easily found by eliminating waste - to fill that gap.